​Finding God’s presence or should i say being in God’s presence. 

The Bible says do not be equally yoked with unbelievers, but many believers has failed in this aspect.

 We can’t do the things of the world and yet do the things of God. 

It is not possible you can’t be in the middle, you have to be at one side either with God or with the world.

 The young adult of the church fail to understand this, they want to serve the Lord yet do the things of the world it won’t work out. 

If you’re serving the Lord serve him totally in truth without a but. 

But this is where the problem lies the young adult want to serve the lord with a but which does not tally at all. 

What does darkness have to do with the light, what do the word of the Lord have to do with the word of the world,what do the children of the Lord have to do with the children of darkness.